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What Are Vril Demons: Reptilians, Clones, And Other Non-Human Entities

Thanks eric. I'm watching some of the videos. I appreciate you trying to help me.

Watching myself in the third person is what freaked me out. I tried to concentrate to look and focus on a scar I have on the back of my head so I didn't have to witness what it was doing. I was hoping it was a hallucination or even if I was schizo but it wasn't either of those. Maybe multiple personalities but what would explain how I watched myself like that?

The best way to deal has been to avoid, avoid, avoid any situation that may cause it to get loose again.


Baconsalt > WTC7
You’re welcome, Dino. My goal in making these threads is to be thought-provoking and as helpful as possible.

Actually, from your description, what you experienced could also be a type of astral projection or remote viewing “out-of-body” experience.

This is a field that has been thoroughly researched and utilized by the the CIA and all branches Military Intelligence for decades.

Everyone has these types of psychic abilities, but some people have a much more pronounced natural gift than others.

So what you could be experiencing is Astral Projection in its raw undeveloped form. Perhaps you have a gift that you aren’t aware of.

If you do have such a gift, it is a gift from God, and is not demonic. But how you use the gift could be demonic, and that gift could be exploited through an intermittent demonic possession if you aren’t aware that you have such a gift, and aren’t aware how to utilize or control it.

So again, what you are experiencing may not necessarily be demonic in nature. But the extent of your satanic affiliations could leave you open to demonic exploitation of your gift in the form of intermittent possession.

But in my experiences, a person being “crazy” in situations like this is normally the least likely explanation. More likely you are just experiencing something real that you don’t fully understand.

However, keep in mind, that if you have engaged in demon summoning activities, those demonic attachments can permeate every aspect of your life, not just the specific purposes for which that Demon was called forth.

(11:40 of video. But the first interview is good too.)
Can a person be dissociative to a degree that he can have an astral projection and leave his body? If you leave your body a void is created. If what fills the void is an entity I can assure you it's not a Guardian Angel.

Things have gone well for awhile. As long as I am strong enough it remains weak enough. It's gotten to be less of a burden and I've accepted it as a part of me. My other self.


Baconsalt > WTC7
Can a person be dissociative to a degree that he can have an astral projection and leave his body?

Yea. Each person is different, and anything is possible. Again this may be a natural undeveloped ability that you have. The key is the accuracy of observations that you make while having your "out of body" experience. If your observation are accurate, then you may have a gift, if your observations are not accurate, or you don't remember anything, then you may have other issues.
If you leave your body a void is created. If what fills the void is an entity I can assure you it's not a Guardian Angel. As long as I am strong enough it remains weak enough. It's gotten to be less of a burden and I've accepted it as a part of me. My other self.

I'm not a big fan of Astral Projection because, outside of divine guidance, I think it is dangerous, and potentially harmful to your overall psyche. However, if you seek the help of a professional in the field of Astral Projection, then they assuredly would be able to help you cope with your potential gift, and, perhaps, help you to develop this gift further, if you so choose.

When you talk about an "entity filling a void", that is definitely demonic language. A Guardian Angel may not fill the void, but can protect the overall system during these dissociative episodes.

If you are, in fact, dealing with a type of Demon attachment or possession, then knowing your own strength is a good way to hold it at bay while you are strong and healthy, but without the protection of God, you will be particularly susceptible to demonic influence, and possession, during times of high anxiety and stress, and especially at the weakened state of your impending death, at which time this Demon will undoubtedly show itself to you, and come for your soul.



Baconsalt > WTC7
Not that your post really has anything to do with this thread other than comic relief, but just so you know, Epsom salt has been scientifically proven to have a plethora of medicinal health benefits. So in the future, your "magic remedy" jokes may be a little more entertaining if they are based in, at least, a rudimentary understanding of bio-chemistry.

Pharmaceutical Influences of Epsom Salts

Epsom salt is chemical salt with a mixture of magnesium and sulfate ions. Epsom salt, and table salt are different in their chemical structure. Epsom salt plays various pharmaceutical effects in the medical field, where it affects various body organs. It plays an important role in the release of pain due to its effect on nerves, and its characteristics as an anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of muscle cramps. Also, Epsom salt has beauty influences on body care due to its effect on skin and feet. Not only does Epsom salt have graded effects on the health of human beings, but also it has beneficial effects on plant growth through its effect on soil, and insect eradication.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
And Castor Oil has been referred to as Palma Christi, i.e., The Palm Of Christ for centuries. It's still fucking funny.
Yea. Each person is different, and anything is possible. Again this may be a natural undeveloped ability that you have. The key is the accuracy of observations that you make while having your "out of body" experience. If your observation are accurate, then you may have a gift, if your observations are not accurate, or you don't remember anything, then you may have other issues.

I'm not a big fan of Astral Projection because, outside of divine guidance, I think it is dangerous, and potentially harmful to your overall psyche. However, if you seek the help of a professional in the field of Astral Projection, then they assuredly would be able to help you cope with your potential gift, and, perhaps, help you to develop this gift further, if you so choose.

When you talk about an "entity filling a void", that is definitely demonic language. A Guardian Angel may not fill the void, but can protect the overall system during these dissociative episodes.

If you are, in fact, dealing with a type of Demon attachment or possession, then knowing your own strength is a good way to hold it at bay while you are strong and healthy, but without the protection of God, you will be particularly susceptible to demonic influence, and possession, during times of high anxiety and stress, and especially at the weakened state of your impending death, at which time this Demon will undoubtedly show itself to you, and come for your soul.

Thanks Eric. You have given me much to think about.

I imagine the more times a person does LSD the more opportunity he allows for demonic possession as well. I used to drop acid all the time in high school. The timing is right because I met my other self a short time after that period. The escalation and intensity of activity increased along with bouts of amnesia and blackouts and the spawning of an inner conflict.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Thanks Eric. You have given me much to think about.

I imagine the more times a person does LSD the more opportunity he allows for demonic possession as well. I used to drop acid all the time in high school. The timing is right because I met my other self a short time after that period. The escalation and intensity of activity increased along with bouts of amnesia and blackouts and the spawning of an inner conflict.
Peter Green is probably exhibit A of the negative effects of LSD. Like any stimulant it seems to have varying effects on users. It blew Peter's career, but it seems to have enhanced many other careers at the time.

The great Chip Monck warns about the acid in 1969:
"To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us isn’t too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that. Of course it’s your own trip. So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, OK?”


FO Admin / "rude, unnecessary attitude" (he/they)
Staff member
I can't believe nobody made me aware of this thread yet. This is great, can't wait to laugh at read the rest of this over lunch.


Retired Morgenmuffel
Bronze Member
News of the slithering scene. Another clue in the monstrous big picture

Tiny ancient reptile named after Thor's world-ending nemesis

The near-complete fossil dates to about 310 million years ago.

A long-bodied, sinuous reptile that lived about 310 million years ago has been named for a legendary giant snake in Viking mythology that once battled Thor, the Norse god of thunder.

But while the Vikings' mythic "World Serpent," named Jörmungandr, was large enough to wrap his body around the entire Earth, the ancient reptile Joermungandr bolti (YOR'-mun-gund BOL'-tee) measures just a couple of inches long.

This creature is a microsaur ("small lizard"), an early group of reptiles that were among the first vertebrates (animals with backbones) to evolve on land. J. bolti had a slender, elongated body with short limbs and a blunt skull, and the fossil was so well preserved that it retained impressions of specialized scales that resemble dirt-repelling scales in modern reptiles. Together, these features suggest that the wee microsaur tunneled underground and slithered like a snake, researchers reported in a new study.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Eric, I saw that you posted in another thread. I wanted to thank you for taking the time and having the patience with me. I've felt great the last year. I have come to terms with my intermittent possession and the knowledge I gained from our communications really strengthened me giving me a greater ability to control the demon and keep him locked away. Good triumphs over evil but only with your help.


Baconsalt > WTC7
Oh man. I found my new favourite poster.

No doubt you are being facetious, however, there is also no doubt that, empirically speaking, the existence of these UFO's, or UAP's, have been definitively proven to exist. Substantiated by all branches of the armed forces, as well as countless civilian observations.

So, after you familiarize yourself with the objective reality of these phenomena, you then must ask yourself what are the metaphysical and spiritual implications of these crafts. And from whence do they originate.

For instance, at the top of the Illuminati Pyramidal hierarchy, are nefarious Corporeal Demonic Entities. Esoteric wisdom suggests that the pyramid shaped crafts belong to them. Assuming this to be the case, and given the prevalence of pyramidal occult symbology throughout the history of mankind, what are these creatures true relation to human beings? And who is privy to such information?

Admittedly, the above is a somewhat rhetorical question, at least from my perspective, but that type of analysis can be applied to the plethora of UFO's seen around the world everyday. And it is that type of analysis that leads to interesting discussions and debate.

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Baconsalt > WTC7
Eric, I saw that you posted in another thread. I wanted to thank you for taking the time and having the patience with me. I've felt great the last year. I have come to terms with my intermittent possession and the knowledge I gained from our communications really strengthened me giving me a greater ability to control the demon and keep him locked away. Good triumphs over evil but only with your help.
Thank you Dino, I am glad to help. As God speaks through the filter of my intellect, know that you do not struggle alone. All humans are born with a certain level of Demonic possession and attachment. That is what is meant by "original sin". A curse stemming from man's betrayal of God in the Garden Of Eden. A curse for which all ancestors of the original man must shoulder, and continue to make atonement.

Environmental conditions of your development in this world, as well as personal decisions of your free will, may either intensify, or diminish, demonic influences in your life. So for all people, even the most seemingly pious, there is always a struggle between sin, primal instincts to survive, and following the word of God.

And then, of course, there are the Demonic legions who forsake God, and willing summon Demons, and/or invite demonic possession, primarily for material gains. These actions bestow and even more dreadful curse upon those bloodlines who practice these satanic rites, and rituals. All know this to be true.

But again, despite these extreme cases, there is no man who is completely free of Sin. In this pursuit of your salvation, there is no perfection, only practice.

I realize that in my comments, I am assuming a lot about your religious belief system and objectives, and so the important thing is that you are doing better, and feeling better. I hope, and pray, that this trend continues for you, and that you are blessed with continued improvement.

And thank you, again, for your kind words. They are greatly appreciated!
Thank you Dino, I am glad to help. As God speaks through the filter of my intellect, know that you do not struggle alone. All humans are born with a certain level of Demonic possession and attachment. That is what is meant by "original sin". A curse stemming from man's betrayal of God in the Garden Of Eden. A curse for which all ancestors of the original man must shoulder, and continue to make atonement.

Environmental conditions of your development in this world, as well as personal decisions of your free will, may either intensify, or diminish, demonic influences in your life. So for all people, even the most seemingly pious, there is always a struggle between sin, primal instincts to survive, and following the word of God.

And then, of course, there are the Demonic legions who forsake God, and willing summon Demons, and/or invite demonic possession, primarily for material gains. These actions bestow and even more dreadful curse upon those bloodlines who practice these satanic rites, and rituals. All know this to be true.

But again, despite these extreme cases, there is no man who is completely free of Sin. In this pursuit of your salvation, there is no perfection, only practice.

I realize that in my comments, I am assuming a lot about your religious belief system and objectives, and so the important thing is that you are doing better, and feeling better. I hope, and pray, that this trend continues for you, and that you are blessed with continued improvement.

And thank you, again, for your kind words. They are greatly appreciated!

You helped me come to terms that I have to live with the entity and deal with it. That was helpful as trying to do away with it completely never worked. If I were ever to become in total denial of the entity it would completely take over so it was good to get in front of the problem.

Lots of lost souls here for you to save. This is exactly where you belong. Pay no attention to anyone who dares block the path of the righteous one.